Dorsett City Hotel

We were appointed by FEC to provide feasibility advice on the transport and highway implications of the change of use from an office block to a hotel use on the Aldgate Gyratory adjacent to Aldgate LUL station.

Subsequently a detailed planning application was supported by a very detailed Transport Assessment. The main issues that City of London had on the scheme was the size of the service yard and the managing of the deliveries and disabled parking for staff and visitors to the site.

Through our detailed work on the TA the highway officers supported the scheme. Managing Director Steve Jones had to present the scheme and its merits at the Planning Committee which unanimously approved the scheme.

TPHS subsequently provided provided transport advice on the discharge of conditions including a detailed Travel Plan and also Delivery and Servicing Management Plan (DSMP). We also assisted the contractor with some elements of the build out phase.

Project Details


March 2014 – October 2018


Far East Consortium


Aldgate, City of London, UK


Transport Assessment, DSMP, Travel Plan, presentation at Committee meeting, post planning discharge of conditions

Project Gallery